Membership Registration

Please solve the math problem.

As a General member, I affirm my commitment to uphold and support the goals and objectives of the association. I will actively participate in its activities and programs, and conduct myself adhering to the Code of Conduct as defined in the "Articles of Association (Satzung)".

Membership Fee

  • • Individual membership - €25 - Annually
  • • Family with/without children - €50 - Annually
  • • Student - €15 - Annually

Membership Benefits:

As a DTS registered member of the association, you

  • • can support the association objectives and actively participate in association activities.
  • • will receive all the updates about the association activities.
  • • are eligible for a discounted entry fee for DTS events.
  • • will be given preference in DTS related activities and participations.
  • • your kids are eligible to use the services like educational, scientific, cultural classes offered by DTS.
  • • are eligible to use the services offered by DTS (eg. info sessions).

We will update you on additional member benefits as we move forward. Please keep checking our website and your emails for further communications from us.

For all membership related queries, please contact us on